Monthly Oranges

Now you can have fresh Pearson Ranch California Oranges delivered to you every month (or as often as you prefer)! For lovers of beautiful and delicious California Citrus, the “Monthly Oranges Delivery Program” was created for you! Imagine every month getting delicious California Oranges that were grown in the “heart” of “The Orange Belt” of The San Joaquin Valley, California. Tended to by the best farming crew with years of experience, these oranges are expertly farmed. Irrigated by deep well water obtained from run off from the mighty Sierra Nevada mountain range, and raised under the famous “California Sunshine”, getting oranges like these are a perfect gift for yourself, family or even co-workers. What a great way to…”spread the LOVE!” Please scroll down to read how the monthly citrus programs works.

Here's how it works:

  1. When you sign up for the program and pay for your first order, we will ship out your first box of Pearson Ranch California Oranges.
  2. Then, each month thereafter (until the season is over), we will call YOU and ask you if you are ready for your next month's shipment.
  3. At that time we will verify your shipping information (just to make sure you haven't moved).
  4. Next, we ask you for authorization to charge your credit card for your order.
  5. When authorization is complete, your next box of Pearson Ranch California Oranges will soon be on its way!
  6. As a special “Thank You”, when you join the Pearson Ranch Monthly Orange Delivery Program, you save $5.00 off of the regular “non-member” price per box!
  7. Finally, just to keep things simple…if at any time you wish to “opt-out” of the program…just let us know and we will take you off the list. No pressure, no hassle, nothing to ever buy again.

So when you're ready for sweet and juicy California “sunshine” to greet you at your doorstep, Pearson Ranch is ready for YOU, with our “Monthly Orange Delivery Program”.

Unless Otherwise Stated, Prices Do NOT Include Shipping & Handling Charges!

For an easier ordering experience,
please take the time to review
our shipping practices and policies
prior to ordering.

Select any of the different monthly programs to join!

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Proudly Serving You Online Since 1998!

*A few words about shipping* Pearson Ranch can ship fresh citrus ANYWHERE in the U.S., Including Texas, Louisiana, and Arizona!

**Also please note...occasionally extreme weather conditions (cold or hot), holidays and/or weekends, require us to determine the best possible day to ship your fresh fruit order. If we have to change the shipping date of your order, we will notify you via e-mail or by phone as soon as possible. This is the best way to help ensure the fruit you receive (or send) will be the freshest possible!

Our goal is always to grow, pack and ship the very best California Navel Oranges, California Valencia Oranges, and Specialty Citrus you can find anywhere on the planet. Everything we sell comes with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee! That means we will make every reasonable effort to make you happy with your order, or your money back...guaranteed! Wholesale discounts are available on most items. Some restrictions may apply. Call for details.


Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Pacific/California Time


1-888-O-ORANGE (1-888-667-2643)

For a detailed list of our shipping practices and policies


Please Click Here

Thank You for shopping with us and THANK YOU for supporting America's small farms!